Monday, December 3, 2012


Okay, so just a quick update...yeah it's been well over a year since my last post. Anyway, in my last post, I blogged about finding out I was pregnant. Unfortunately, we lost that pregnancy a month later. Two months after that, we got pregnant again and had our little boy in March 2012! Michael was 11lbs 3oz and 24 inches long! I ended up having pregnancy induced Hypertension (basically pre-ecclampsia just without all the blood and urine markers) that caused my blood pressure to go sky high! So I ended up having to be induced on March 22nd and was on 2 blood pressure meds to help control my BP during the birth. I did manage to have him without any other meds (including pain meds!) so I was happy about that. I shocked the nurses, I think LOL He is now 8 months old and 20.5lbs and 30 inches long. He's already clapping, and trying to walk on his own. I honestly feel like I had a toddler instead of a newborn baby LOL Anyway things are going great and we are a happy family of 5! My oldest is in Kindergarten this year and has been loving it! Mikayla just turned 3 years old. She had a wonderful Minnie Mouse party. It's a wonderful life! Merry Christmas everybody!

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