Thursday, July 4, 2013

There's a New baby Gladwell on the way!

Our little family is growing again! Michael is now a  year old. We recently found out that we will be having another baby around January 20th, 2014. I'm almost 12 weeks along so right at the end of my first trimester. Unfortunately for me, pregnancy sickness kicked in strong around 8-9 weeks along and it's not easing up yet and showing no signs of it doing so any time soon. I've been rather miserable with it honestly. I've tried the seabands, B6, Zofran, and Phenegran as well as ginger ale and ginger snaps. While some of them help a little bit, Phenegran is the only thing that eases it off enough for me to sleep at night. Unfortunately it also makes me so sleepy that I can hardly get up in the mornings. Due to the amount of "morning sickness" I've been experiencing, I think it's going to be another girl. And for those who are asking "Don't we know what causes this?" Yes...Yes we do and quite enjoy it from time to time LOL I was actually using Ortho Micronor (mini-pill birth control) and unfortunately it didn't work and I ended up with a surprise pregnancy. Apparently God decided we needed another baby now. LOL We're fine with it despite the initial shock. ^_~ Thankfully we still have most of the baby gear. I still have some baby clothes for either gender. The only thing I don't have is a good standard sized baby swing. I'm hoping a friend of mine will let me borrow hers though. It's going to be interesting having 4 kids at home, especially with Michael still breastfeeding about 3x a day and adding a newborn to that. We're also going to be homeschooling this year. Heather is going into first grade and I'll be doing pre-K with Mikayla and some toddler things with Michael (mostly educational play). We'll be using Easy Peasy All-in-one Homeschool curriculum online as the base of our studies. I'll be using Math Mammoth for Heather's mathematics and a couple of other things in the language arts area. I'm really looking forward to homeschooling them. I just hope the pregnancy yuckies ease off before August so that I can function and focus on teaching them.

In other news, the clothing detergent that I made back in January is only just now running out. I have about half of the liquid softener bottle I'm reusing left of the detergent. I just made the second batch this evening and have it setting now so it'll be ready to use in a couple days. It worked really well! I got about 6 months out of the one 5gal. bucket! I just had to buy another Fels Naptha bar of soap. I still have plenty of the washing soda, borax, and oxiclean for several more buckets of detergent! I'll just need a bar of the FN soap each time. Very cost friendly! Definitely worth the investment in the 5 gal buckets with lids and the WS, B, & O! I'm looking forward to using it for years to come!

Over the next year, I'm hoping to keep this blog updated with lots of homeschooling information such as the activities we're doing and special projects. I'm hoping I'll remember to keep it up LOL