Saturday, September 18, 2010

Return to the Consignment Sale!

Today, my mom and a fried (Maggie) came up and we all went to the last day of the consignment sale that I talked about last week. We took the girls with us this time and had a blast! It was 1/2 price day so we got some wonderful deals! I was mostly looking for some leggings to put under dresses for heather and a few other cute pieces and needed some more pants/jeans for Mikayla. We found a lot of great stuff for 1/2 price! I found both of the original Care Bears movies and several 2-episode videos of Care Bears as well. I got a case for a "walkman" CD player that also has a zipper pocket for CDs. I'm going to use it for Heather's Leapster and games. It's just the right size and she needs something to keep it all together. She's been using a little open purse for it but would constantly lose the games (the 4 we've been able to get her anyway). She does great at keeping her tea party stuff and barbies in little backpacks we have, so I think she'll do well keeping the leapster in this case. My mom got a few things for both of the girls as well! She bought a beautiful Christmas dress for Heather and a really cute black and white skirt, legging, and top outfit that's really cute for Mikayla and a darling Mickey/Minnie Disney store dress as well as several other things for each of them. I'm really happy with our purchases and for just over $250 total (for both trips) I now have an entire wardrobe for both girls for the entire winter! Many of the clothes I bought have never been worn and the others are all in EUC to like new! Have I mentioned before that I LOVE consignment sales?!! ^_^ I'm working on getting pictures of some of my favorites. I'll get them added in soon ^_^
God Bless!

A Trip Down Memory Lane...

So I was searching through a box of old DVDs and movies a few days ago and found my DVD copies of Rainbow Brite!!! It has all the episodes of the original RB from Beginning of Rainbow Land through the Movie. So I pulled it out and put it in our DVD player and my daughter, Heather, and I watched all the episodes and the movies. Not surprisingly, she absolutely LOVED it!!! She was glued to the TV for all of it and has requested it every day since! It's amazing to me how my favorite show from the 80s has now become a favorite of my 3 1/2 year old daughter! She talks about Rainbow Brite, Starlite, and the color kids constantly now. It's rather cute ^_^

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I LOVE Consignment Sales!!!

So, I've always loved going to kids consignment sales, especially My Kids Attic in Montgomery, AL. I put a bunch of stuff in it this year, including the Winnie the Pooh Travel System and another stroller (we had 3!!!) as well as a BUNCH of fall/winter clothing that the girls had grown out of. When you consign at least 15 items, you get a free pass to a consigner's only pre-sale the night before opening to the public. So Friday night, I went to the consigner's sale with the main purpose of picking up 2 carseats I had seen when I dropped my stuff off the week before. They were Eddie Bauer seats that converted from harnessed to High-Back Booster. Well I got there at 4:30 and of course all the seats I was interested in had a red tag except for one of the EB's. Unfortunately, it didn't have a tag at all! Somehow it had walked off without a red tag being placed on it. So, I spoke to one of the ladies working there and they agreed to put a red tag on it for me in hopes that if it wasn't claimed, I would have "dibs" on it. So I went on and looked around and then noticed that someone had put a note on the travel system that the carseat was expired!!! I knew it wasn't so I found someone and showed them the expiration date and finally convinced them to remove the note. Last thing I needed was for it to sit there because no one wanted an "expired" seat that wasn't expired at all! So Disaster was averted there. After that I was finally able to get into the good stuff!!! ^_^ I went down into the basement and spent 4 HOURS searching through shoes, clothes, toys, and a little of everything to come out with my awesome finds! For $160 I came out with 2 pairs of shoes for Heather, a pair of shoes for Mikayla, a REALLY cute pink pea coat for Mikayla, and most of a wardrobe for both girls. I managed to score a Chez Ami outfit that I absolutely love more Mikayla. ^_^ I've been wanting one for ages for at least ONE of the girls but they're WAY too expensive retail! I also managed to find a cute skirt and sweater outfit for Heather to wear this winter that MATCHES an outfit I have for Mikayla! I had saved the 12 month version of it from Heather's baby shower (she wore it a few times herself ^_~) and now have a matching outfit for Heather. I can't WAIT to see them in their matching skirt outfits! SO CUTE! Oh, and I got a great candy cane dress for both girls (not matching but with the same candy cane theme) for their Christmas pictures this year! I'm really looking forward to having them done. I'll have to try to find my camera and get some pictures of my finds soon! It's hard to believe that Heather's going to be 4 on January 7th and Mikayla's turning 1 on November 4th! Time has passed WAY too quickly!!! My babies are growing up too fast!
               Anyway, so Eddie's parents kept the girls while I was at the consignment sale and Eddie came back and picked me up and we went to go get them from his parents' house. Heather decided she wanted to stay with Grandma & Grandpa, so we took Mikayla and came on home. Eddie's parents brought her home this morning and Mr. Eddie was able to fix our Central A/C unit. The fan motor had broken down on us a few weeks ago and we've been surviving on a single window A/C unit since then. We had to wait for the motor to come in (which took about a week). It arrived yesterday, so they came down today and he put it in for us. It feels SO much better having the central unit running again. The bedrooms stay a lot cooler and the house in general is much more comfy! So after it was fixed and they went home, I started dinner around 5 and then my brother texted me and mentions that they're going to dad's to watch the football game (Alabama - ROLLLLLL TIDE!!!! ^_~)  So I had to finish getting dinner fixed and pack it all up to take to dad's. I finally got there around 7pm and we hung out and ate our dinner. My brothers had ordered pizza but honestly, I prefered my baked chicken, sweet potatoes, Rice pilaf, and Mac n Cheese (for Heather) much better. We didn't have any green veggies in the freezer (need to make a grocery run tomorrow!) so it was a little heavy on the starches but it was delicious!!! We had a wonderful time just hanging out with my dad, brothers, and their wives and then finally got back home in time to get Heather and Mikayla into bed on time. I nursed Mikayla to sleep while Eddie got Heather to bed and then I got back up to do a few other things. Now however I really need to get back to bed so I won't fall asleep during church tomorrow! Good night everyone and God Bless! ^_^

An Introduction to my life...

Hi Everyone! My name is Amy. I am happily married to Eddie, my husband of 5 1/2 years. We were married in 2005 and have thoroughly enjoyed our life together so far. In January of 2007, we had our first child, Heather. She has never met a stranger! She is a happy, loving child who is always eager to meet people. She is rarely shy and makes friends of all ages very easily. She is 3 1/2 years old now and she is tall and slender for her age. Many people think she is older than she is due to her height and verbal ability. In November of 2009, we had our second child, Mikayla. Our daughters have two very different personalities. Mikayla is very cheerful but has very serious expressions most of the time. She loves to just sit and watch everything going on around her. While she loves having people around her, she tends to be more clingy than Heather was and prefers to stay close to Eddie or myself and doesn't go to others as easily. Eddie works at Advance Auto Parts as an Assistant Manager. He's been working there for about 6 months now. I am a certified Elementary & Special Education Teacher. Unfortunately, jobs are tough to find here this year due to proration and I am currently staying at home with my lovely daughters instead. While I enjoy my time with them, I must admit that I miss teaching and hope to find a teaching job soon!
           We are a semi-crunchy family and use cloth diapers for the girls. Heather used cloth diapers from the time she turned 1 until she started potty training last year. She still uses cloth diapers for night times. Mikayla has been using CDs since birth! Newborn diapers are SOOOOO cute! ^_^ I miss the itty bitty stage! We chose to CD for health reasons. Heather had terrible rashes in disposable diapers her first year, so we switched to cloth and her bottom has been so much better ever since. Mikayla also has sensitive skin as well as mild eczema and while she generally is ok in "sposies," we now prefer CDs and use Heather's stash (plus a few more ^_~) for Mikayla. We also use cloth wipes. I also breastfed Heather for 6 months before she weaned herself (latch issues mostly) and have been breastfeeding Mikayla full-time since she was born. Mikayla has taken to BF'ing much easier than Heather did and I imagine she won't completely wean for quite some time. I try to use kitchen towels instead of paper towels (although we keep those on hand, but they last a good while since we rarely use them) and have been gradually switching over to "green" cleaning products.I love to crochet and try to make a few pieces for the girls each year. I love to shop at consignment sales for gently used clothing for the girls and often sale clothing and toys that the girls have grown out of each year.
          We are a Christian family that believes in a strong relationship with God. After all, it's not about's about relationships! We build our relationship with Christ through prayer, study, fellowship with others in relationship with Christ, and doing our best to reach out and show people Christ's love (even though as humans, we often fail miserably at this...but we try our best! that's the key!) ^_^
            Well, I guess that's it for now! Hopefully, I'll keep up with this one! ^_~ I'm generally terrible with blogs but since I'm at home now, I'm hoping I can manage to keep up with it! Plus, having babies at home tends to give good stuff to talk about ^_~